Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Permutations and Combinations Lesson 7


Have students work on:

1) If you are arranging 3 different Math texbooks, 4 different Science textbooks, and 5 different English textbooks, how many different ways can you organize them if:
a) the books of the same subject must be together?
b) The shelf must start and end with an English book?
c) How many different ways can you pick 2 books from each subject?

2) Explain why 5C2=5C3?

3) Solve: n+1Cn-1=15

4) How much different monetary amounts can you make from 1 penny, 1 dime, 1 quarter, and 1 dollar?

4) Explain everything you know about the expansion of (x+y)^n.


1) If you know one row of the Pascal's Triangle is
Determine  the next row.

2) Determine the last term of the expansion (x-2y)^8.

3) Determine the third term of (a/b-2)^9

4) One term in the expansion of (x+a)^8 is 448x^6, determine the value of a.

5) Determine the constant term in the expansion of  (2x-1/x^2)^15

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